Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Baytown "University" - another fake

Yet another fake university. This one calls itself Baytown "University".

Someone contacted us with the following comment:
"Few months back I got a call from Baytown University which said I can get a degree based on my life experience. I got an MBA degree for $500. I showed it to my employer and as per the HR its an unaccredited degree 'Diploma Mill' being run from South Asia, probably Pakistan. I want to inform all people to stay away from them. Its an unaccredited university and due to it I almost lost my job. Now i'm finding my way to get my full refund (chargeback will be my last resort)."
So I thought I'd enquire. Their web site has the usual "Live chat" facility. All the usual clues that it's bogus are there. All it takes is cash to buy yourself a degree. No exams and "There will be no classes No courses".
You are now chatting with 'Rob Garner'.
Rob Garner: Hi Samuel
[Me]: Hi
Rob Garner: How are you
[Me]: Good thanks. How are you?
Rob Garner: I am doing Great, How can I help you
[Me]: I need to get a Masters degree in Physics as quickly as possible to get a promotion at my school.
Rob Garner: Sure,
Rob Garner: Do you have any working experience?
[Me]: Yes, I'm a Teaching Assistant.
Rob Garner: How old are you
Rob Garner: Do you have your updated resume?
[Me]: I'm 35. I don't have it here with me.
Rob Garner: Okay
Rob Garner: Can I call you?
[Me]: Not at the moment, I'm in a class.
[Me]: I just need to know how quickly I could get a Masters degree.
Rob Garner: How quickly you want?
[Me]: As soon as possible?
Rob Garner: Okay
[Me]: The vacancy I want to apply for is closing in about two months and I don't know how long it normally takes to get a Masters degree.
Rob Garner: I can get it deliver before that
[Me]: Oh wow. What about exams? Must I sit exams?
Rob Garner: a) There will be no classes No courses
Rob Garner: b) Your Records will be kept as YOU HAVE STUDIED AND OBTAINED THIS DEGREE(Online Education)
Rob Garner: c) It will take just 15 days & documents will be delivered via DHL
Rob Garner: e) This degree is acceptable worldwide just like a normal traditional degree.
Rob Garner: f) This Degree can also be stamped by The US State Dept.
[Me]: That's amazing. How much does this cost?
Rob Garner: It will cost you $500.00
It's interesting that they claim to have been "internationally accredited by ABOET (Accreditation Bureau Of Online Education & Training)" but that this apparent accreditation agency has only ever accredited one establishment. Yes, you guessed it, the bogus Baytown "University". Bogus accreditation of a bogus establishment by a bogus accreditation body. At least they're consistent.

Please don't waste your time, your money and your reputation on this fake establishment.

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