Certainly not the first time I've received an email like this. I'll respond and see what story the scammer comes up with. What do you bet that he needs the money sent via Western Union?Hello,How are you doing! I hope you are fine? I'm sorry i didn't inform you about my trip to Scotland for a program, I'm presently in Scotland, Perth having some difficulties because i misplaced my bag on my way to the hotel where my money and other valuable things were kept. I will like you to assist me with a loan of 2,000 pounds to sort-out my hotel bills and to get myself back home.I have spoken to the embassy here but they are not responding to the matter effectively, I will appreciate whatever you can afford to assist me, I'll refund the money back to you as soon as i return, let me know if you can be of any help. I don't have a phone where i can be reached.Please let me know immediately.
Consumer Watchdog is a (fiercely) independent consumer rights and advocacy organisation campaigning on behalf of the consumers of Botswana, helping them to know their rights and to stand up against abuse. Contact us at consumerwatchdog@bes.bw or find us on Facebook by searching for Consumer Watchdog Botswana. Everything we do for the consumers of Botswana has always been and always will be entirely free.
Wednesday 14 July 2010
Oh no, stranded in Scotland?
In comes an email, from someone I've never heard of, not using my own name, saying:
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