Thursday 7 January 2010

Yet more from Dalberto Sponsors

Again, verbatim.
   I think our company has a lot more to do than emailing you so please do feel free to put any assumptions on your blog. Our story for the Consumer Watch Dog will come out in front page papers soon. Keep in mind that Consumer Watch Dog in Europe and other countries respond to clients who make complaints NOT write blogs and tarnish companies. Please stop harassing my staff and wasting our time Mr. Richard we will talk through media.
PS: The blog is very untrue but then again we all just want to entertain the people and readers don’t we. One more thing what this purpose of your blog does it serve your clients (which from my point of view there are NONE who have any case or reports against us) or does it serve your alter ego 
Warm wishes,
CJ York"
My reply was simple:
Hi "CJ"
So, just to confirm this, you won't (or can't) provide any evidence that you are a legitimate company that actually delivers what it offers?
And finally:
 "Dear Richard,
    As far as I am concerned you seem to have demonstrated by your theoretical point of view that you are a smart enough man. No time to bicker with you I have spoken to my media contacts in Botswana I'll answer you with my story soon be patient.
Warm wishes,
CJ York"
Can't wait.

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