Monday, 19 September 2011

"Fundacion Donaciones Humanitarias" SCAM

A reader contacted us asking for advice on an organisation calling itself "Fundación Donaciones Humanitarias". They claim to be:
"a humanitarian foundation connected synergistically to multiple non-profit and profit activities and organizations aiming to achieve our mission."
They sent our reader a copy of a letter he was told had been submitted to the South African Government offering them a grant (not a loan) of, get this, US$800 billion. No, not millions, BILLIONS. This is more than the entire GDP of South Africa. That's roughly P5 TRILLION.

The amount of money is enough of a clue that this is bogus. Couple that with free email addresses, cell numbers and there being no evidence of them ever donating anything to anyone and you'll understand why I'm suspicious. They claim to be "affiliated" with the United Nations but I can't find any trace of that either. Nor can I find any confirmation of their emailed claim that "Interpol cleared the persons involved and also FDH".

However, here's the interesting bit. The person who wrote the letter offering this fortune is a real individual. I know, I've spoken to him. He is traceable. That's why I've removed his details from the letter.

So what's going on here? Well, it's obviously a scam. I spoke to the person this letter was addressed to (a senior manager in the South African National Treasury Department) and she confirms that it's a nonsense. She also confirmed that investigations are underway by the relevant authorities in South Africa. The person being scammed is the local guy who wrote the letter on FDH's behalf. You can bet that sooner or later that he'll be asked to cough up some cash in anticipation of his share of the $800 Billion.

If he hasn't already.


Anonymous said...

FDH is backed by several hundreds of trillions of dollars, this looks pretty typical of how their process works.

Richard Harriman said...

"hundreds of trillions of dollars"? Didn't your parents teach you that it's wrong to lie?