Saturday 8 June 2024

The Voice - Consumer's Voice

Can this be true?

Richard please check if this company, Profit Recovery Enterprise is legit? They claim to recover money lost through scams. Maybe we could recover from Ecoplexus?

I'm very glad you asked because you have just avoided being scammed again. They make this claim: 
"If you've fallen victim to a scam, we're here to help. With our expertise, we can assist in recovering your lost funds. We understand the frustration and pain that come with being scammed, and our team is committed to help recover lost funds. Here's what we can do for you. We'll thoroughly search for your account using the international trading server and when found get you access to it and guide you withdraw immediately."

While this seems like an appealing idea, that scam victims can get their money back, this is just another scam. Sooner or later they'll ask for money for this service that they claim to offer and if you pay them they'll just demand more and more money until you realise that you've been scammed again. 

For research purposes, I contacted them and using a fake name I pretended to be a victim of the Ecoplexus scam. Despite using a fake identity they immediately said they had found my money and were ready to send it to me. All I needed to do was sign up to a cryptocurrency exchange. No doubt that's where they would want me to send them money. 

The painful lesson is that once you've given a scammer your money you're not getting it back. There is still a slight hope that some of the money paid into the local bank accounts used by the Ecoplexus scammers might be returned eventually but it will only be a small proportion of what was paid. The scammers failed to transfer all of the money before the accounts were frozen but it will take a long time before the authorities can decide who deserves to get some back. 

Where's my work? 

I wish to know if you could possibly assist me. I engaged with a certain consultancy company that does academic research. So far I paid an amount of P3,695. I've since been getting the worst service. They're missing deadlines because the promised work was never done. Calls were unanswered and texts not responded to. 

I've complained several times to no avail. Worse today was my deadline but I found out my work was never done yet I paid a required deposit for it. This was the 2nd deadline I missed. I just requested that I need my refund and so the director told me to check terms and conditions on their website. Really I would appreciate some assistance in this matter. The company is registered with CIPA.

Whether I can help you really depends on one thing. What was it you wanted them to do for you? 

If you were using them to do coursework that you were planning to submit as your own work then there's nothing I can do to help. We've exposed a few companies in the past that will write coursework for students for a fee and we'll continue to do so. What they do is immoral and wrong. However, I also blame the people who pay these companies to do their work for them and then lie when they submit it, falsely claiming it was their own work. If it's discovered that they did this they can rightly be expelled from their place of study and they can lose any job they get using the qualification they fraudulently obtained. Their reputation can be ruined. 

However, if you hired this company genuinely to do some research for you without any plan to deceive anyone, then I can do my best to help. Regardless of what their terms and conditions say, if they've been paid to do some work for you then they must either do that work or give you a refund

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