Wednesday 31 July 2013

Payne Springs - yet anther bogus "university"

Yet another to join the club of bogus "universities". This time it's Payne Springs "University".

Some facts.

The domain was first registered on 12th November 2012. The web site of the body they claim accredits them, DLATC, the "Distance Learning Accreditation and Training Council" was first registered on 3rd May 2013. This accrediting organisation has accredited a total of guess how many universities?

Just one.

You've guessed it, it's Payne Spring "University". Yet another case of a fake university setting up its very own fake accreditation body to lend itself some credibility. And failing miserably.

Like many fake universities they show pictures of their "faculty" members but guess what? They're just pictures they took from the internet somewhere and they happen to be the very same pictures and names shown on the web page of American Gulf "University", another bogus degree peddler.

Did I mention that they can't spell properly?

As always the real clue is in the online conversation you have with these crooks. This was the online chat I had earlier with the Payne Springs representative earlier today.
You are now chatting with 'Mathew Wilson'
Mathew Wilson: Hello

Richard Harriman: Hi
Richard Harriman: I got an email saying I could get a degree within 15 days. Is this true?
Mathew Wilson: Yes
Mathew Wilson: Let me explain you/
Mathew Wilson: We offer PLA ( Prior Learning Assessment ) program.
Mathew Wilson: PLA ( Prior Learning Assessment ) is based on your prior experience, previous academic background, and the achievements that you have in the field till day, taking your past experiences into consideration we will convert your working hours into the college credits and that's how we will award you with the degree, without having you attend any necessarily courses or classes online.

Richard Harriman: I already have a Bachelors degree in Psychology, I'd like to get a Masters degree in Psychology so I can get a job working as a counsellor.
Mathew Wilson: Yes you can
Mathew Wilson: How many years of experience do you have.

Richard Harriman: I don't have to sit any exams or do any coursework?
Richard Harriman: I've been working for 27 years.
Mathew Wilson: Degree will be based on your experience
Richard Harriman: What do I need to do next?
Mathew Wilson: I would like to have your Details so we can proceed.
Mathew Wilson: 1. Full Name.
Mathew Wilson: 2. Date of Birth. ( month / date / year )
Mathew Wilson: 3. Contact Number.
Mathew Wilson: 4. Alternative Number.
Mathew Wilson: 5. Email address.
Mathew Wilson: 6. Desired Package. (degree) in (major).
Mathew Wilson: 7. Nationality.
Mathew Wilson: 8. Complete Shipping Address (Physical Address).

Richard Harriman: How much will this cost me?
Mathew Wilson: It will cost you USD $399
So don't waste your money buying a fake degree from a fake university with fake accreditation. It'll just make you a fake as well.

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