Saturday 28 August 2021

The Voice - Consumer's Voice

Why can't they fix it?

Can I ask for an honest opinion. I bought a PS5 with controllers from a local retailer lest than six months ago. It was brand new with receipts and everything.

Then after few months noticed that the other controller had problems. I then contacted the seller and they advised I bring it back so they take it to Sony in South Africa for fixing since its under warranty from the manufacturer.

Yesterday I called the seller telling them its been 3 weeks without feedback on the progress but to my disappointment they tell me Sony states that they can not fix it and in short he can not help me in that regard. Apparently Sony SA states that they can not fix the joypads and he said customers have been complaining world wide about the controllers being faulty and he said Sony does not have a solution regarding them.

So I'm asking how do I go about such case because we buy these things expensively to be told we can not help you while there is a warranty/guarantee in place still valid. 

What's a polite way of saying 'silly'? 

Ok, let's not even try to be polite. The store is being silly. Very silly. It really doesn't matter whether Sony can or cannot repair the controller, Section 15 (1) of the Consumer Protection Act says that consumers have "the right to receive goods which are of good quality, in good working order and free of defects" and that if a supplier fails to offer this then we can return the goods. It then says that the supplier must "repair or replace the defective goods" or "refund the consumer the amount already paid as consideration for the goods".

In your case it's very simple. Apparently they can't repair the controller so they have just two options left, replace it or refund you.

And there's one last thing. They're lying to you if they suggest that Sony doesn't have a solution. Sony is an incredibly powerful brand that wouldn't dare to treat its customers this way.

I'll get in touch with the store and tell them what I think they should do.

Update: The customer had what he said was a "heated conversation" with the store manager who first demanded that he pay for a new controller. He stood up for his rights and eventually got a free replacement.

Will they refund me?

I cleared a loan from company X through a loan from company Y beginning of June. In mid June and end of June I was refunded the May and June instalments which I understood because the payroll was already closed. I hoped the last deduction would have been June but that was not the case. In July they deducted again and I had to wait for 2 weeks to be refunded after several daily calls. Even NBFIRA I reached out to them. Its August they have deducted again, the second mistaken deduction. This time around I want to take action against company X for the financial embarrassment and inconvenience they have put me through, also my credit status is in disrepute, not to mention the inconvenience because they take long to refund. I'm thinking of going the legal route, please advise.

You've been very tolerant. Perhaps even too tolerant!

You were tolerant and understanding in the first couple of months when you were beyond the payroll cycle deadline but it's not acceptable for this Company X to take so long to stop the deductions from your salary. It's really not that difficult to do, it's something that happens all the time.

You can of course follow the legal route but I don't think you'll need to go that far. I'm sure we can avoid the costs and bother of taking Company X to court. What scares smart companies more than legal threats is the thought that they might lose customers because of their incompetence. They really don't want you discussing their failure with your family, friends, colleagues, neighbours and random people you meet in the street. That's what really makes them anxious. I'm sure this will get sorted out quickly.

Update: The customer contacted Company X again and made sure they understood his rights. They promised to refund him within days. Let's see if they can keep their word.

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