Thursday 18 March 2010

We get mail - Prokard

Following our criticism of Prokard and their suspicious ways of gathering new victims, sorry, customers, we got an email.  It began:
"I read the report on the "Prokard Scam". If you have not investigated the benefits of the card , then how can you make a comment as you do? I was a member for three years , and found that the card gave me absolutely excellent value for money."
I have investigated the "benefits" of the card and frankly I couldn't see any. If you see our report in Mmegi on 12th February this year you'll see that I DID actually research the numbers. I could find significantly better accommodation at a significantly lower price for instance. Also, and this is a critical thing about the Prokard, it offers mainly discounts. You only get a discount when you spend money to begin with. You have to spend to get the supposed benefit.

He continued:
"I would recommend the Prokard to anyone who is serious about quality dining & accommodation.  Protea Hotels & Prokard will always have my support. Keep up the good service guys.
Dennis Vermaas - Cape Town"
I think the facts speak for themselves "Dennis".

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