Thursday 18 March 2010

New list published of 250 words the public sector shouldn't use

New list published of 250 words the public sector shouldn't use

"The annual list of words that shouldn’t be used by the public sector to talk to people has today been published by the Local Government Association.
The latest list of 250 words has been taken from the European Union, central government, quangos, regional government, business management speak and public relations phrases. Council leaders are concerned that in the midst of such a tough financial climate a failure by the public sector to explain to people the benefits from what they pay in taxes could make the difference between an individual staying afloat or going bankrupt.

The list includes new words such as:
  • Trialogue
  • Wellderly
  • Goldfish bowl facilitated conversation
  • Tonality
  • Webinar
  • Under-capacitated
  • Clienting
  • Disbenefits"

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