Saturday 9 December 2023

The Voice - Consumer's Voice

They took all my money!

I work as a nurse in a Government hospital and sometime in September I met an insurance agent based in Palapye. The agent took me through all her policies and we agreed to a P300 savings policy. Fast forward this month end I received my payslip and it was on 0 net. Some deductions made were a P1000 from one insurance company and P2000 from another.

I further investigated on the matter and more skeletons tumbled that there had been countless unauthorised policies opened under my name which I never agreed to.

I took the matter up thru CID in Francistown CPS for investigation on the matter. I then went to the 2 insurance companies for cancellation of the policies on which it was discovered that there were more policies opened and bounced because there was not enough money to cover for them. Upon cancellation I was told there is a 3 months waiting period. Why am I being punished for an internal fraud and forgery case? Those policies were not opened with my consent and information written is all wrong and my signatures have been forged in all these.

Kindly help on this matter and both insurance companies should be held liable because I am asking myself how big companies like them can process claim without verifying documents UNLESS this is how the agents and brokers have been swindling customers and also the companies at the expense of commission.

This is horrible. I'm incredibly sorry for the stress and hardship this must be causing you. Clearly the person presenting themselves to you as an insurance agent is a criminal and they must take the blame for your situation. They need to spend time behind bars. However, I believe very strongly that the two insurance companies also must take their share of responsibility. They didn't commit the crime, but they should have realised something was wrong when they were asked to set up multiple policies in your name. It was THEIR job to double check everything before they took all of your income.

I contacted both companies and one of them responded very quickly promising to investigate. Let's see if the other can be as helpful. 

Update: One of the insurance companies has refunded this victim of a crime, the other is taking longer. The CID in Francistown has identified the criminals who did this and is taking action against them.

What can I do about this car?

I bought a second hand Mazda Demio from a dealer in Mogoditshane. The car gave me sleepless nights, first it was gear box problem, it was not changing well as it was sometimes sticking in 1st gear. It has AT light on dashboard which comes and goes off, it lost the fan belt. When I bought it I asked why its temperature is staying at one place and I was told its not working as it does not have a temperature switch. I asked them if it is not risky to drive it in that condition, they told me it is doing best in that condition as the fan is always running direct and it won't overheat. In less than a month after buying it, it has overheated. Now I wanted to be refunded or given another car but they are reluctant and saying I should repair it myself. My suspicion is that I'm being cheated and suspect unfair business practice.

I agree with you. I think you've been cheated. I'm not a mechanic or an engineer, not even an amateur but I am quite good at spotting someone who's talking nonsense. And this car dealer was talking nonsense when they told you your car wouldn't overheat. The lesson from this situation is that we must always have a second-hand car inspected thoroughly before making any payment. Almost everyone knows someone who they can trust to help them inspect a car. Even if we don't, offer some cash and a six-pack to a friendly mechanic you or your friends trust and ask them to guide you.

I think you should approach the Competition and Consumer Authority. They have a good record of dealing with shady car dealers and I suspect that even just a phone call from them to this dealer might scare them into doing the right thing.

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