Saturday 15 May 2021

The Voice - Consumer's Voice

Where's my refund?

I am kindly seeking for your assistance. I bought an iPhone 7plus 256gb from a local business. The phone price was P4,850. I paid the deposit in December, 70% upfront. I was told the phone takes 3-4 weeks to arrive. On January 15th the phone arrived. 3 weeks down the line the camera was malfunctioning, it looks like it was manufacturer's fault, as the camera never focused. I informed the seller, and she told me to bring it so she takes it to her technician. I did that but the technician couldn't fix the camera. I was given an option to change cameras or get a new phone. I refuse to switch camera because I said the phone will lose it value once it gets opened and cameras being replaced. I opted to get a new one.

That meant the phone has to be shipped back and me getting a new one. Okay fine. On the 9th of March I was told a new phone is coming and leaving Hong Kong. Later the statement changed that the shipment is stuck and up to now its the same old story, either the shipment is stuck or they have left but they'll take long. I have asked for a refund as now its been 2 months still going back and forth. The lady tells me that she has used up her savings she has no money, I paid almost P5,000 and I have no phone and she doesn't want to refund me.

I'm asking for assistance on what to do next. Thank you.

You've been very patient, perhaps too patient.

First let's think about the phone you bought. The iPhone 7 Plus model you bought hasn't been produced by Apple since mid-2017 and I wonder where this phone has been in the last few years? Has it been sitting on a shelf in Hong Kong gathering dust? Or has it been in use for that time? Is it in fact a reconditioned second-hand phone? Of course, there's nothing wrong with second-hand phones so long as the seller is honest about that. As consumers we have the right to know whether we're buying something new or second-hand.

Either way, you had a right to a phone that worked properly and if it went wrong you were entitled to one of the three Rs, a replacement, a repair or a refund. The store was entitled to decide which of these was best for them and a replacement is probably a good choice. But they can't take forever doing this. You had a right to a replacement promptly, not after nearly three months. I think you now have a right to demand a prompt refund and whether she's using her savings or not, I don't really care. I think you should threaten to take her to the Small Claims Court and get an order from them compelling her to refund you promptly. I'll also get in touch with her and see what she says.

They want us to pay for something we don't have!

I am in need of your help. My mom once tried to buy some sofa covers from Home Choice but they never arrived to Botswana and upon that she cancelled the order and only for her to start receiving payment statements from Home Choice that she owes the sofa covers which are not in her possession. She didn't pay as she have never received the sofa covers but instead Home Choice handed the account to Norman Bisset whom they are calling her every now and then demanding the payment. She narrated the story to them and they requested for her to write a police affidavit which stated that she have never received the sofa covers and the letter was sent to Home Choice through Norman Bisset. The Home Choice guys never responded to the letter till today but instead I'm still getting calls from Norman Bisset demanding payment for items that we don't have. Can you please assist.

This seems to be a very common experience. Many, many people have approached us over the years with very similar experiences with HomeChoice. You'd think by now they would have put in place systems that allow them to deal with these situations so they don't hassle innocent consumers who've done nothing wrong.

I'll contact HomeChoice and see if they can add your mother to the list of people that eventually stop bothering. We'll also need to insist that HomeChoice ensure your mother's credit history isn't affected by this. Your mother shouldn't be disadvantaged in any way because a supplier can't organise itself properly.

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