Sunday 17 June 2018

Radio show notes - week beginning 11th June 2018

Source: Wikipedia
1. Winter Wonderland – latest update

The Winter Wonderland event was originally scheduled for just before Christmas 2017 but it was postponed until Easter 2018. However, the event was then cancelled. In March 2018 the Grand Palm Hotel, where the event had been meant to occur issued a Media Statement confirming that:
“the Winter Wonderland event has been cancelled by the promoter of the event. Tickets for this event were sold by its promoter, who is an independent third party, and in no way affiliated to or employed by the Grand Palm Hotel.” 
They suggested that customers should seek refunds from the promoter and concluded by saying that:
“The Grand Palm was not responsible for any ticket sales and therefore, regretfully, cannot make any refunds.”
Later, the promoters of the event stated that:
“the event has unfortunately been postponed yet again pending confirmation upon erection of the ice plant and assorted equipment [...] We've been inundated with operational challenges due to supplier and technical partner issues [...] In an attempt to salvage the event and not abandon the initiative (which really would change the entertainment tourism sector nationally) we've decided to resolve issues with suppliers and completely localize the venture, as opposed to being a promoter for an Expatriate company. [...] We have a database of all customers, those whose refunds are pending and those still awaiting confirmation of deployment.”
I think the promoters are missing the point. People don't want the event "salvaged". they just want their money back and they've waited a very long time already to get it. I think that the time to talking is gone. The time is now for action. It's time for these abused consumers to seek the support of the Consumer Protection Unit and the Small Claims Court.

2. How long is the warranty?
“On 25 May 2018 I returned my hair clippers with the receipt to the store at Airport Junction where I bought them but they refused to replace my clippers stating the purchase date of 17 May 2016 meant it was out of warranty. I informed the staff that when I purchased the clippers I asked about the 5 year warranty on this item and had been told that they would honor this warranty.”
The 5-year warranty is actually hard to miss. It's there on the box.

The Consumer Protection Regulations are quite clear about this situation. Section 17.1.d forbids a supplier from “causing a probability of confusion or of misunderstanding as to the legal rights, obligations, or remedies of a party to a transaction”. Section 17.1.e forbids “disclaiming or limiting the implied warranty of merchantability and fitness for use, unless a disclaimer is clearly and conspicuously disclosed”. Finally Section 17.1.f forbids entering “into a transaction in which the consumer waives or purports to waive a right, benefit or immunity provided by law, unless the waiver is clearly stated and the consumer has specifically consented to it”

It's not complicated. A 5-year warranty is... a warranty that lasts 5 years.

3. Insurance (again)
“Hello Mr Richard. I have surrendered my funeral policy and they tell me stories of being given a month notice adding that they won’t refund me. So where can I get help? Mind you the policy was for five years.”
Insurance is about "transferring risk". It doesn't matter whether it's a funeral plan, a vehicle insurance policy, life cover or a household scheme, in each case you transfer the financial risk of an unfortunate  from yourself to the insurance company in return for a monthly payment from you to them. If the unfortunate event happens (a death, a car crash or a burglary) the insurance company pays the bills, not you.

The question is this. If the unfortunate event doesn't happen, are you lucky or unlucky? You're lucky than a bad thing didn't happen but unlucky that you didn't get a return for the premiums you paid. Would you rather the bad thing had happened?

4. Plastic bags - BANNED

The “Waste Management (Plastic Carrier Bags and Plastic Flat Bags Prohibition) Regulations 2018” have been passed and this means that with effect from 1st November this year, plastic carrier bags will be banned. We have been warned!

5. The Lioness of Africa
“Last month I got a call from SA from a man called Clinton Vurden saying I have won a Woman of Africa Award. I accepted the award winning because I once entered a competition through WIBA. As times goes on they wanted me to pay for advertising my company. I don't have that kind of money.. Now they are on my back with payment and even threatened to sue me. How can I settle this issue and I want to know if their business is a scam or what.”
The award being offered is apparently called the “Lioness of Africa - The Fire of Botswana 2018” and comes from the Africa Business Investment Group.  All it takes to receive this "award" is a payment of R35,980. However, I can find no evidence that the award has any real validity. They say that they're backed by “Brodder Family Trust” but there's no trace of such a thing. None.

Is this just another award scam?

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