Saturday, 9 May 2015

Yet another fake university - Nelsonville "University"

Do I need to explain why I think that Nelsonville "University" is a bogus establishment?

Here's the conversation I had with one of their online advisors. I think it explains everything perfectly, don't you?
Rob Anderson: Hi, How can i assist you?
Rob Anderson: how are you?
[Me]: Good thanks
Rob Anderson: how can i help you?
[Me]: I need to get a Masters degree in Nursing to get a promotion. How long does it take?
Rob Anderson: just 15 working days to receive you the degree
[Me]: Wow. Do I need to sit any exams?
Rob Anderson: no its a life experience degree program
Rob Anderson: where you can get the degree on your working experience
[Me]: Any coursework?
Rob Anderson: process known as PLA(prior learning assesment)
Rob Anderson: no
Rob Anderson: PLA is based on your prior experience, previous academics, your achievements and expertise that you have in the field till date, we convert your working hours into the college credits and that?s how we will award you with the degree, without having you attend any courses, classes, test or examinations.PLA will be solely based on your prior knowledge and expertise in the field. This degree would be same as our normal academic degree that we give to our FTEP students who complete courses and classes; there is no difference in the documents, its acceptance and recognition.
[Me]: How much will this cost?
Rob Anderson: only $399 the complete fee
[Me]: So I just pay you $399 and I get a Masters degree in Nursing?
Rob Anderson: yes
It's obvious that Nelsonville "University" is a fake university that sells fake degrees to people who get fake appointments or fake promotions. The only genuine things that someone who gets a job or a promotion from buying such a certificate will see will be the genuine letter of dismissal and the genuine court case for obtaining by false pretence they'll experience.

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