Saturday 7 June 2014

The Voice - Consumer's Voice

Dear Consumer’s Voice #1

I bought a radio at a major store Francistown in December at P3,896 using my FNB credit card. After that I repatriated to Zimbabwe at the end of my contract. Come April 2014, the radio was no longer working. In May I travelled to Botswana where I tried to find out how I could be helped. Unfortunately my house was burgled before I left losing a lot of goods in the process. That is how I lost my receipt as well. Fortunately, my cellphone banking reflects that figure and date.

I spoke to the guys at customer service but they would not listen. A manager in that department was called, things were worse. I wonder how they keep their records. Its like they want to hide behind the fact that I do not have a receipt.

Please investigate and advise.

Hopefully we all know that we’re meant to keep receipts for major items that we buy so we can prove we bought them if they go wrong. However life isn’t always simple. Receipts get lost or damaged, some of them even fade if they’ve been printed on thermal paper. We should all be keeping copies of receipts either by photocopying them or just taking a picture of them on our cellphones.

Nevertheless problems still happen and I don’t think it’s unreasonable to expect stores to understand this. Stores should have their own records of the purchases that have been made, particularly if they were made with a credit card so they should be able to confirm that you bought the radio on a particular date. Surely with something like this they can even identify the serial number of the device to double-check your claim?

We’ll get in touch with the store to see if they can be a bit more flexible.

Dear Consumer’s Voice #2

I wanted to enquire about the credibility and authenticity of a company called Leveltrade. It’s a trade investment that provides you with the knowledge to profit from the forex market. In order to begin to trade one has to open an account for $100. I just signed up out of curiosity to learn and the company called me from their UK based office and I spoke to their consultant who advised me on how to trade and that I should deposit about $50 in order to begin.

I am a bit skeptical about online business especially ones like Eurextrade which disappeared after making millions from naive consumers. I am asking your advice on the matter. Is this business legit? Is it worth putting up your money in because it looks very tempting?

Please don’t send these people any more money, they’re way too suspicious to be trusted. Firstly the foreign exchange market is way too volatile for non-experts like you and me. I spoke online to Leveltrade and they claimed that I could make extraordinary profits, up to 200% within a day but that’s simply nonsense. If it was true then don’t you think banks and even governments would be investing this way? They’re not so there’s no hope that you and I could make money this way.

Although Leveltrade claim to operate from the UK in fact they have no real physical address there and I can find no trace of them being registered with the UK’s regulator of financial services, the FSA. When I spoke to them they claimed to have existed as a company in the UK for four yeas but when I checked with the UK’s registrar of companies it was clear that they’ve really only existed for just over three weeks.

There’s no evidence yet that Leveltrade is the same as Eurextrade but I do think you’re wise to be skeptical. I don’t trust Leveltrade so I urge you not to waste your money.

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