Friday 28 January 2011

I've got a fake, fake PhD from a fake university

I got an email from the utterly stupid and fake "Belford University" saying:

While the payment against your order is not received, we are pleased to announce that based on your resume submitted by the Assistant Registrar and your profile score calculated using the CPAAS® profile evaluation system, the 10-member evaluation committee at Belford University has finally approved you for PhD Degree in Medicine. You are among the 5% of candidates who qualified under the CPAAS® profile evaluation system.

You may now pay the amount from the link provided below and get your PhD Degree in Medicine within 15 days from today."
All they need from me is $924.

How did I qualify for this degree? All I did was tell them that I had "worked in hospitals for many years helping patients".

So, being lazy, and always wanting a doctorate, I decided on a new course of action. I copied a degree certificate that I took from someone who proudly displayed his fake Belford University doctorate in his online CV and changed the name and subject to what I wanted.

Surely there's nothing wrong with faking a fake certificate from a fake university?  Unlike some other people I don't make any claims about this certificate. I don't claim it's real. I don't claim it's from a real university. I don't claim that it has any value, certainly not $924.  Like the "university" it comes from it's just a fake.

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