Hi Tony
We've tried to get together in the past but this hasn't proved possible.
As you probably know I have some questions regarding SMD. I met with Lady recently but there were certain issues where she felt unable to answer and suggested that you might be able to assist.
I understand that you "assist" your customers in opening trading accounts with PSG in SA. However is this not possible directly with PSG Online?
You supply information on market issues to your customers but I believe this is sourced from Profile Media in SA. Their information is also available directly to any customer who opens an account with them. What does SMD supply in addition to Profile Media's information?
The web site states that SMD "has been operating for several years with offices in Johannesburg, Mbabane, Maseru, Windhoek, and now Gaborone." However I can find no trace of SMD offices in any of these places other than Gaborone. There appears to be no company registered as "Stock Market Direct" in South Africa. Can you advise?
There is a Stock Market Direct web site that appears to be registered in South Africa (www.stockmarketdirect.co.za) but this seems just to connect to Profile Media resources. The telephone number given (011-728 5510) is that of Profile Media. Curiously the "Contact us" link addresses an email to claudia@stockmarketdirectbw.com. Can you explain this?
Finally the Botswana web site states that SMD provides "services in the financial services arena". Is SMD registered with NBFIRA?
I look forward to your response.
Richard Harriman
Consumer Watchdog is a (fiercely) independent consumer rights and advocacy organisation campaigning on behalf of the consumers of Botswana, helping them to know their rights and to stand up against abuse. Contact us at consumerwatchdog@bes.bw or find us on Facebook by searching for Consumer Watchdog Botswana. Everything we do for the consumers of Botswana has always been and always will be entirely free.
Tuesday, 10 August 2010
Stock Market Direct don't want to answer questions
I've had various conversations, emails and messages from Stock Market Direct over the last few months but I stil haven't been able to get answers to some simple questions. Here's my latest email to Tony Samuels, who their web site describes as their Managing Director. I sent this on 14th July but still haven't had a reply.
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