Wednesday 14 July 2010

Still stranded in Scotland

I replied to the hijacked account from a new email address (NOT the one the scammer emailed), offering to help and they got back to me within minutes, to an email address they can never of heard of before, saying:
I am glad you are willing to help me, i'm not safe here in the hotel, i want to get out of this place because that's my priority for now, i will explain better and return your money as soon as i get back home. You can send the money through western  union money transfer, i will get a temporary document in replacement of my stolen passport from the Embassy, here is the information below to send the money;
Names: [Name removed]
Address: 1 Princes Street,
Edinburgh, EH2 2EQ, Scotland.
Write me immediately as soon as you send the money, scan and send me the western union money transfer receipt or write out the details on the receipt and send to me.
This mystery is enough..
Thank you.
What a surprise!  Western Union!

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