Tuesday 27 July 2010

In the interests of fairness...

We wrote about a complaint we received about Domestic Engineering in last week's Voice column.

An email just in from the company says:
Dear Sir / Madam
The article you put in your consumer's Voice written by Mr. [XXX] is done witouth any confirmation from our side; each story has two sides and if you want to serve to public some story your obligation is to find out real situation before you put into the print.Mr. [XXX] forgot to write that his TV came to us with butchered power supply and control PCB and at that stage we couldnt seee condition of panel etc.Also your sentence that Consumer Watchdog eats this companies for breakfast is extraordinary rude and unacceptable. Please find attached letter sent by us to Mr. [XXX] atorney.I will try personaly to visit your office ASAP.

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