Friday, 5 February 2010

Good news - Uniglobe update

The CEO of Uniglobe, the owners of the franchise that New Era Travel operate, got in touch to outline their position. I've quoted his email with his permission.
"Thank you for the opportunity to respond. Our top priority at UNIGLOBE is customer service. Without happy customers we and our franchisees have no business (and no right to be in business). That is why over the last 30 years UNIGLOBE has invested significant time, money and effort in developing systems, procedures, policies, training and support for customer focused solutions for franchisees who wish to develop their businesses. However, at the end of the day, it is in the hands (and interest) of each franchisee to make sure they apply these in their own businesses. UNIGLOBE guards its Intellectual Property and Brand jealously and if we find that franchisees are misusing our IP and bringing the Brand into disrepute and are not willing or able to change, then we will remove this right – as we are lawfully entitled to do in terms of our franchise agreement.
Unfortunately, to date I have received no confirmation from New Era that they are willing or able to resolve Mr. XXX’s complaint.
I think that is perfectly respectable and there's a lesson for consumers here.  If you have a problem with a franchised operation and it doesn't get solved quickly then get in touch with the franchise owners because it's their reputation at stake as well.  Companies like Uniglobe will protect their reputation and that can only be good for consumers.

There's more.

The consumer did indeed visit the Police, laid a charge and went with a police officer to New Era earlier today and was given a written assurance that he would be paid some of the money today and the rest by the end of the month.  The Police have told her that they will put the charge on hold if she honours the agreement.  If she fails to...  You can guess the (ar)rest.

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